5 Tips to Help You Be More Successful

Ariana Mara
4 min readOct 10, 2019

Hunger for success is natural and is in everyone. There isn’t a more uplifting feeling than when you accomplish your goals through hard work and discover your true self. Everyone wants to be more successful, but what is a success?

Although success can be well–defined, based on the experience with our clients, it means something different to everyone. There are those who feel content in possession of lots of money. Those who own and run a business — which is what brings them joy. Some people are dedicated to personal and professional development and there are also those whose 1st priority is family — and others to whom it’s caritative work.

All work for success, all in their own ways, some following their passion and others in need of a little uplifting now and then.

But what ways are there to be more successful? Here are 5 tips for you to help you be on the path of joy and success.

Find out what success means to you.

I am sure you heard that people who follow their passion are happier and more successful. In some sense, it is true, even though passion is only one component to success. So, as a start, find out what makes you feel happy. As soon as you have a goal, you can create the plans yourself — if you really want it.

Then find what you like to spend time on doing and what you are good at.

When you do something with all your heart and soul, you are moving huge energies and can achieve extraordinary things. This energy will automatically help you concentrate on creating experiences that move you forward and ease the progress to a great extent. Without a shadow of a doubt, you will be able to mobilise your energies and turn your ideas into actions.

We all know though, that passion paired with excellence is what makes a difference, and to make an impact you need to have and utilise the right skills.

When you are tuned into success and positive about the future, you rarely consider that success always comes at a price. Expect surprises and be open to making sacrifices.

Depending on what success means to you and what you want to achieve or what your goals are, — you must expect to make sacrifices. We often say the best things in life are free, but everything comes at a price. If you want to spend more time with the family, you must make the time for it. If you want to progress your career, you must invest in yourself. Do you want to start a business? You need funds, new skills and time. Perhaps, you need to save money for months or even years to start your business.

With all the learning, the extra efforts and the work invested in, you might find that you have even less free time. The good news is that everything is temporary. I am sure you heard the phrase ‘This too shall pass’. Once you reap the fruits of your labour, you will see the sacrifice was worth it.

Surround yourself with people smarter than you.

There are only a few people in the world from who you couldn’t learn something good and new. On the way to success, you will come across and work with a lot of people. They all help you towards your goal in one way or another. Don’t be afraid to share, ask for help or cooperate.

Never give up!

One of the keys to success is that we do not surrender when faced with obstacles. It is one thing, of course, to know the way how to overcome the obstacles ahead, and another to implement the solution.
Many people become uncertain and hesitant when one small inconvenience arises and lose the strength to start over.
Don’t be like them. Adopt a problem–solving attitude and concentrate on finding solutions, not excuses. If you do so, not only your work will be fruitful, but others will also recognise and appreciate the results. Not to mention the lessons that will enrich your life and the increase in your self-confidence.

You also need to understand that you are in the driving seat and hold the key to your life.

Even if you believe there are a magical influence, other people, fatal powers or coincidences which prevent you from achieving your goals, you will always have a choice and a solution, you just need to find it.

Many people don’t accomplish their goals because they are not willing to take the necessary steps, not because they are not capable enough.
The accomplishment of your life goals may somewhat depend on luck and talent, or on your relationships, or other factors. But it definitely depends on how you handle the above-mentioned factors.

Let the challenges be the reason why you can progress and succeed, when others may hide behind those as they fail. This is how simple it is to stand out and achieve all you want.

Everyone wants to be more successful, but to reach success is also important to set achievable goals and learn how to track them.



Ariana Mara

Ariana Mara is an outcome-focused mentor & coach who advises business leaders globally, mostly from the background, to help achieve their business goals.